About HRSI

HRSI helps organizations leverage and create value through organizational certifications that meet international standards set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Our organizational certifications are here to help your company outwardly demonstrate its commitment to implementing internationally accepted HR processes and practices.

Our Mission

HRSI certifies your organization's HR processes to global standards validating your organization's journey to HR excellence.

Who We Are

As an HRCI company, HRSI Organizational Certifications  are designed to create value for your organization by validating your company's HR processes alignment to the International Organization for Standards (ISO) HR standards.

The Leader in Developing HR Standards

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) appointed HRCI as the ISO HR secretariat to help lead and develop standards and practices for international HR management.

What ISO Standards Do For Your Organization


  • Show your workforce you do more than the minimum.
  • Demonstrate to shareholders you are confident in your professional practices.
  • Share with your community that you value transparency, accountability, and sustainability.